Support Latex in Github Page to show math equations


Recently, I started to use Github Page to write a summary on a course that I followed on Edx about Statistics. I am using Jekyll to create static websites. In order to insert lots of math equations, I am using Mathjax.

You can add these scripts in the head to import Mathjax:

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
		tex2jax: {
			skipTags: ['script', 'noscript', 'style', 'textarea', 'pre'],
			inlineMath: [['$','$']]

By doing so, you can show most of the math functions correctly, except for some inlineMath: math between two $ signs.

what you want to show what web shows
$\vert x \vert$ seperation of table column
$\{1\}$ ${1}$ (no “{}”)
$(X)_{0}+X_{1}$ $(X){0}+X{1}$ (<em> tags)


what you want to show What you should enter
| \vert
{ \\{
} \\}
)_ (underscore) )\_ or add a space between ) and _
_( (underscore) \_( or add a space between _ and (
}_ (underscore) }\_ or add a space between } and _
_{ (underscore) \_{ or add a space between _ and {
more than 1 * in the paragraphe \*
$\Leftrightarrow$ \Leftrightarrow (not \Harr)
$\arg\max$ \arg\max (not \argmax)
2 { together { { (add a space between them)